Thursday, September 24, 2009

Upstage Benefit concert for Serena and my Guardian Angel arrives!

Here is a photo of Jasper and me as he played with water in my sink. Just water and bubbles can make the best play things!

Last night I packed until 9:00 pm and thought I should go to bed early. But instead at the last minute I decided to head into town and go to a benefit concert at the Upstage in Port Townsend. Serena's 103 year old cello has broken and is being repaired in Seattle with an estimated cost of $2,000.

She is a beautiful young single mother, composer and passionate musician. The turn out was great and the whole event came together under the direction of Joe Breskin who managed to network through his vast email list and get folks to come and play music and donate to the cause.

The quality of the music was excellent, deep and heartfelt. It was more than special to experience this event.

Today my Guardian Angel arrived in the form of a truck driver from Tennesee. Gary is a special man and he came a day early and is helping me pack. I have been so completely overwhelmed by the volume of stuff that has to be packed. Even with help I was and still am far behind. We just about have the house all done and while he and some local hired help load up what is in boxes I will tackle the rest of the studio packing in the morning. My assistant Rose spend 3 days packing bisqued animals and plaster molds. River helped tape up and pack the glazes over the weekend. I have had so much help with packing and the yardsale.

Many thanks to all my dear sweet loving and kind friends who have brought me food, helped set up and breakdown the yardsale stuff, taken trash to the dump and checked in often. I feel loved.

I do not have a lap top and this computer will get packed up tomorrow morning. So the next entries will be from borrowed computers along the way. I will take photos and upload as I get the opportunity. Tomorrow Jenny is cleaning my car for the trip...sweet!

The last few months have by far been the most difficult in my life. Great highs and lows.

As excited as I am about leaving for North Carolina and living with Jim I am also very sad about leaving this community that has made me feel more loved and enfolded than any other place I have ever lived.

Leaving Jenny and Jasper is heart breaking. I will visit of course, but it just isn't going to be the same.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ruth,

    I came to the website to put an order together, & see that much more significant things are going on in your life. It's obvious that you leave with much love, & I hope you find even more, & a wonderful new life. Look forward to when you're up & running again -- with 100 Horses, & with your heart in a new home! Hugs, Sara Walsh/Latigo & Lace
